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A Rose Surrounded by Weeds

by Theresa Donahue (Ellison)

Approximately 150 words

There was once a beautiful red rose.  It stood tall in the weeds.  Someone had once planted it, but the thorns and thistles grew over it.  No one ever took any interest in it.  It felt rejected.  One day someone saw the lot full of weeds and decided to clean it up.

While he was fixing things up, he spotted the shy little rose.  He was surprised to see it there.  He decided to save it, so he was very careful around it.  Lo and behold, there were about two other buds trying to bloom, but they couldn’t because the weeds had blocked out the sun.  The man had taken an interest just in time.  He saved them all.  They were the most beautiful roses he ever had.

The moral to the story: In a heart filled with bitterness, there always is a little bit of love that could bloom.


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