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Portrait of a Mother


Teresa Daily Rilea

Approximately 351 words

It's not every day that you will find a Mom looking in to the eyes of an aged photograph and thanking the image for the love and strength that gets them through the day.

Trust me, when you lose a child, through the heartache and pain of loss, love remains. It is through what remains that you build a new relationship, even if it means staring into the eyes of an aged photograph.

Gazing in to my son's eyes, I have found that I can regain a world of beloved memories. Through my heart and mind I relive them time and time again. It's not just on Mother's Day that I am grateful to have had a son. I cherish each day that I feel him near.

Many mornings, upon waking, my thoughts will turn to my child. I remember the times of rushing to the kitchen to prepare a bottle or pack a school lunch. I think of the times I'd look out the living room window and see a very handsome young boy with blonde hair and hazel eyes dart by as he learned to ride a bicycle.

Throughout the day there might be a certain tone to any voice I hear that takes my breath and I recall a home that was filled with life.

It could be something as simple as noticing a young teen unmoving, usually with arms folded and head tilted, and I find that I long for the loving touch of a child. It's those simple things that make us Mother's. It's a touch, the smiles and laughter, the warmth of joy that fills a heart and home with love. I experience it now as I watch over my nieces and nephews and I see remembered joys through their eyes.

Yes, Mother's Day is each day of the year. Evidently, someone unknowingly chose one day in May to celebrate motherhood. When in actuality, the true celebration begins from the moment we conceive; as well as, long after----even though some must celebrate a cherished life by way of sparkling eyes in an aged photograph.



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